
Have you ever thought about the environmental impact of your meetings? The Worldspace metaverse offers a unique solution. Instead of travelling long distances and contributing to emissions, why not meet digitally in a space you've crafted yourself?

Beyond the environmental benefits, having your own Worldspace allows you to embed digital resources directly into the environment. Visitors can access PDFs, videos, and other essential materials right within the metaverse, ensuring they're well-prepared for discussions.

Choosing virtual meet-ups reduces our carbon footprint and offers a dynamic, resource-rich setting for collaboration. In practical terms: it eases pressure on the environment, and there's no fuss of misplaced travel documents or delays.

Embracing the metaverse isn't just about leveraging technology; it’s about making responsible and innovative choices for our planet.

#Metaverse #AR #Web3 #Productivity #environment #ESG


Should we automate it?


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